Emergency Plan


Statement of Work: Emergency Support Plan


The plan is simple; you’re pre-billed 1 hour of our time which is to be used for emergency tasks. This does not affect scheduled projects as it’s meant to be for those small open aired tasks that pop up last minute.

The emergency plan is not a monthly subscription. It’s pay-per-use and used as needed. It’s great for time sensitive tasks where help is needed immediately.

The Emergency Plan shall apply to all work that is requested on an urgent basis and meets one of the following criteria:
1. Weekends or statutory holidays (legally-mandated Federal holidays or Alberta holidays)
2. After 5pm EST (as requested by You)
3. Requested to be completed within 24 hours of the time the request is received (e.g. “immediately”)

Due to the urgent and unscheduled nature of emergencies, it is possible that SAU/CAL may not be able to appropriately staff your emergency. SAU/CAL takes emergency requests seriously and is often able to fulfill them. If SAU/CAL cannot fulfill your request then we will inform you and you will be charged the standard rate.